
  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Happiness in Schools

    Dr John Ivens talks to ACAMH about the role of schools in mental health provision, the Government’s green paper on children and young people’s mental health, and assessing students’ experiences of happiness in schools in order to develop personalised approaches.

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  • Worth-it: focussing on positive mental health, resilience and wellbeing interventions

    ‘Worth-it’ is a social enterprise dedicated to delivering resilience and wellbeing intervention programmes to children in schools. The interventions and training courses are underpinned by the principles of ‘Positive Psychology’ which is defined as the scientific study of positive human functioning.

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  • Mental Health and Obesity: It’s everybody’s role

    By Melissa Little. Melissa is a Paediatric Dietitian specialising in childhood weight management. She runs a social enterprise called Foodtalk.
    Disclaimer: This is an independent article and ACAMH may not necessarily hold the same views.

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