
  • Kapil Sayal

    Professor Kapil Sayal returns for a second term as NIHR Senior Investigator

    Professor Kapil Sayal, Editor of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) journal, has been reappointed as a National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Senior Investigator for a second term.

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  • Creating Positive Change through Self-Awareness and Expression

    Children’s Mental Health Week (3 – 9 February 2025) serves as a fantastic opportunity to look further at how we can empower, equip, and give a voice to children and young people, as well as encourage positive change with regards to their mental health and well-being.

    By focusing on ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’, alongside our vision of ‘Sharing best evidence, improving practice’, and our mission to ‘Improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people aged 0-25’, we encourage you to focus on how we, as a society, can help encourage children and young people to feel empowered in sharing their experiences in order to improve children’s and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

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  • Jaspar Khawaja

    Breaking the Silence: A different way to work alongside young people in practice and research

    How are children and young people getting on in the UK? Studies suggest that the school system is a significant negative factor in the lives of many of our CYP. Whilst some enjoy school, many others experience it as psychologically harmful and this is reported, consistently, by young people and families. Despite this, CYP have almost no say in the structures and aims of education and their voices are silent when it comes to implementing national policies. In response, the social enterprise States of Mind launched the Breaking the Silence project, in partnership with the Institute of Education, UCL, focusing on co-creating new insights and solutions around education and mental health through Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR).

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  • Tavgah Jafar

    The Emotional Toll of Insider Qualitative Research

    In this blog, Tavgah Jafar explores the emotional challenges of insider qualitative research, drawing from their personal experiences. Tavgah reflects on the unexpected emotional impact and share lessons learned, alongside practical advice for new researchers to manage these challenges.

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  • Eliza Hamdorf

    Boreout in Early Career Researchers: Recognising and Addressing the Hidden Workplace Challenge

    Boreout is a workplace issue characterised by low engagement, lack of meaning, and limited growth opportunities (Rothlin & Werder, 2008), and can affect anyone in the workforce, including early career researchers. This blog explores how boreout can impact mental health professionals, especially those new to academia, and provides practical strategies for preventing it. Understanding boreout is essential for mental health practitioners and researchers to maintain both personal well-being and career fulfilment.

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  • Pauline Thibaut

    Loneliness and Early Career Researchers: An Evidence-Based Perspective

    Loneliness is a significant and often overlooked issue among early career researchers (ECRs). This phenomenon can have profound implications for both personal well-being and professional development. Recent studies have highlighted the prevalence of loneliness among academics, particularly those in the early stages of their careers, suggesting that this issue warrants serious attention from both research and policy perspectives.

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  • Photo,Of,Little,Brunet,Boy,Wear,Green,T-shirt,Isolated,On

    Tourette Syndrome: Improve Quality of Life and Reduce Misconceptions

    This Tourettes Awareness Day (7 June) we encourage you to explore the FREE learning opportunities available on our website, and to share with your networks. Together we can work towards ‘sharing best evidence, improving practice’ to highlight the impact Tourettes can have on those with the condition and those around them.

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  • Innocent,Girl,In,Bedroom,Having,Sleeplessness,Night

    Catching some zzz’s – Sleep, Sleep Hygiene, and Wellbeing

    This World Sleep Day (15 March) we encourage you to explore the learning opportunities available on our website and learn more about the importance of sleep health in children and young people. Help us to raise awareness of sleep health through sharing with your networks and colleagues.

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    RESHAPE Study: Key Takeaways

    Hosted by Dr. Clara Faria, ‘RESHAPE Study’ series is a new mini-in conversation series that will explore the RESHAPE study and the impact of its findings for parents, teachers, policymakers, and mental health professionals.

    In this podcast series, Clara is joined by several guest speakers, all of whom are part of the RESHAPE team, to address a range of issues relevant to child and adolescent wellbeing and mental health and what the RESHAPE findings show with regards to how theses issues impact on young peoples’ mental wellbeing.

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  • teen friends smiling urban environment

    My Voice Matters – The Importance of Lived Experience and Expression to Create Positive Change

    Celebrating its 10th year, Children’s Mental Health Week (5 – 11 February 2024) has chosen the theme ‘My Voice Matters’ to encourage the empowerment of children and young people to express themselves and subsequently drive positive change with regards to their mental health and wellbeing and reducing the stigmas associated with this.

    In light of this, do explore the learning opportunities available on our website, and do share with your networks and colleagues. We have gathered a range of FREE learning resources from leading academics, clinicians, and researchers to raise awareness of child and adolescent mental health issues.

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