
  • Dr. Vicky Powell

    Following the children of depressed parents from childhood to adult life: A focus on mood and anxiety disorders

    Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘While it is known that depression in a parent increases risk for offspring depression and anxiety, there are relatively few prospective longitudinal studies following the offspring of depressed parents across the transition from adolescence into adulthood – a key period of risk.’ Victoria Powell (pic) et al.

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  • Eivind Ystrom

    Prenatal alcohol exposure and child sleep problems: A family-based quasi-experimental study

    Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – “We examine whether associations between prenatal exposure to hazardous maternal alcohol consumption during the first trimester of pregnancy and sleep problems in young children represent a causal association”. Ingunn Olea Lund and Eivind Ystrom (pic)

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  • journal covers camh

    Russian adolescent mental health in 2002, 2015 and during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021

    Paper from the CAMH journal – Cross-sectional school-based surveys of 12- to 18-year-olds were carried out in a Siberian city using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, data on tobacco, alcohol and drug use and socio-demographic information. We examined the effect of cohort, gender, family composition and parental occupation on mental health and substance use. Helena R. Slobodskaya et al.

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  • Do brain function abnormalities lead to substance use, or vice versa?

    New research has, for the first time, investigated the direction of links between brain function and substance use throughout adolescence. Jungmeen Kim-Spoon and colleagues studied 167 adolescents who were assessed annually for four years from 13-14 years old.

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  • July 2020 – The Bridge

    In this issue, we summarise recent studies on a wide range of topics – including sleep, sensory symptoms, emotional symptoms, disinhibition, alcohol misuse, complex PTSD symptoms, and self-harm – which reveal new insights helping us to better understand and address psychopathology in young people.

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  • Guest blog on sleep and mental health

    Sleep and Mental Health

    Dr Sally Hobson, Specialty Community Paediatrician, Evelina Children’s Secondary Community Sleep Clinic on the relationship between sleep and mental health.

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  • A cup half full or half empty? A reflection on 15 years working with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in the UK

    “It has been 15 years now that I have been working within the field of specialist diagnosis and behavioural management of individuals with FASD. At this point in my journey, as well as the journey of FASD diagnostic services in the UK, it felt like a good time to step sideways and reflect on how far we had come and where we still have yet to go.”

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  • Teen on green background

    Addiction & Substance Use

    Irrespective of the age group it is just as important to be aware of what we don’t know as what we can be more confident about. This is particularly true of young people and drug use, as most research investigating prevention and interventions has tended to focus on adult populations.

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