Sleep and Sleep Disorders
Does DNA methylation link sleep disturbances to mental health problems?
Sleep disturbances have long been linked to mental health problems in children, but the underlying mechanisms of this relationship are unclear.
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July 2020 – The Bridge
In this issue, we summarise recent studies on a wide range of topics – including sleep, sensory symptoms, emotional symptoms, disinhibition, alcohol misuse, complex PTSD symptoms, and self-harm – which reveal new insights helping us to better understand and address psychopathology in young people.
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Variable sleep schedules might put preschoolers at risk of academic difficulties
New data suggest that internalizing problems are associated with sleep variability and that cognitive ability is associated with sleep timing.
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June 2020 – The Bridge
Includes ‘Are social networking sites contributing to depression and anxiety symptoms in young people?’
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Lost sleep contributes to mood disturbances in teens with ADHD
Stephen Becker and colleagues at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center show that short sleep duration is a causal contributor to affect and mood disturbances in teenagers with ADHD.
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In Conversation… Dr Emma Sciberras on Sleep and Anxiety in ADHD
Dr Emma Sciberras discusses sleep and anxiety in ADHD, around 70% of children with ADHD will have sleep problems and anxiety can exacerbate ADHD symptoms. Includes transcription, and links.
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Sleep Editorial
This edition of The Bridge concentrates on sleep, a poignant reminder that I am editing this on a 6am train to London having shortened my own sleep cycle and feeling rather sleep deprived on this dark winter morning.
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Homelessness and its impact on children
In the run up to Christmas, this article aims to outline previous research on the effects of homelessness and the potential solutions already outlined, as well as point towards future research and actions.
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In conversation… Sleep and mental health with Dr. Faith Orchard
Does it make a difference if children are larks or owls? At what point should we be concerned about sleep problems? What is the knock-on effect of poor sleep on social factors? All this and more with Dr. Faith Orchard.
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Sleep and Mental Health
Dr Sally Hobson, Specialty Community Paediatrician, Evelina Children’s Secondary Community Sleep Clinic on the relationship between sleep and mental health.
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