Sleep and Sleep Disorders
Insomnia: Assessment, Treament, Results
EARLY BIRD OFFER! Join renowned expert child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Jess Shatkin for insights and guidance on managing insomina in children and young people. Healthcare professionals attending will enhance their skills in diagnosing and treating sleep disorders, gain insights into how improving sleep can positively impact psychiatric functioning and overall wellbeing, and contributing to ongoing professional development.
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- Introductory and Update Session
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Protected: Beyond Words – An exploration of the mental health of children and young people with severe and profound learning disabilities
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- Location
- Edinburgh
Protected: Child and Adolescent Intellectual Disability Psychiatry Network; Annual Meeting
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From Valencia to Understanding the Mental Health Impacts of Floods on Children and Young People
Floods are the most common type of natural disaster, with 1.81 billion people facing significant flood risk worldwide, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Among those affected, children and young people are especially vulnerable due to limited coping strategies compared to adults and high dependence on caregivers. Despite this, research on the impacts of floods on their mental health remains scarce.
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Dr. Isabel Morales-Munoz
Dr Isabel Morales-Munoz, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor in Psychology, based at the Institute for Mental Health, School of Psychology, at the University of Birmingham. Isabel has a BSc (Hons) in Psychology, from the University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain). She completed her MSc in Cognitive Neuropsychology at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), and her MSc in Psychopathology and Health at the National University of Distance Education (Spain).
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Chronotype and Depression in Adolescence
We know that there is a bidirectional association between sleep duration/quality and depressive symptoms in youth. In adult populations depressive symptoms and circadian rhythms (sleep chronotype) have also been linked. In this paper, we established an association between chronotype and depressive symptoms in middle adolescence, independently of poor sleep and prior mental health difficulties.
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Catching some zzz’s – Sleep, Sleep Hygiene, and Wellbeing
This World Sleep Day (15 March) we encourage you to explore the learning opportunities available on our website and learn more about the importance of sleep health in children and young people. Help us to raise awareness of sleep health through sharing with your networks and colleagues.
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Melatonin Use and the Risk of Self-Harm and Unintentional Injuries in Youths
In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Marica Leone discusses her JCPP paper ‘Melatonin use and the risk of self-harm and unintentional injuries in youths with and without psychiatric disorders’. Marica is the first author of the paper.
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Are some children genetically predisposed to poor sleep? A polygenic risk study in the general population
Open Access paper from the JCPP – ‘Children who are genetically predisposed to insomnia have more insomnia-like sleep problems, whereas those who are genetically predisposed to longer sleep have longer sleep duration, but are also more awake during the night in adolescence.’ Desana Kocevska (pic) et al.
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Subtyping at-risk adolescents for predicting response toward insomnia prevention program
Open Access JCPP paper – ‘Adolescents at risk for insomnia can be classified into different subgroups according to their psychological profiles, which were associated with differential responses to the insomnia prevention program.’ Si-Jing Chen et al.
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