Online self-harm content might provide peer support to young people
Youth today find themselves living in an era of social media, with easy access to a wide range of social networking sites. Unfortunately, emerging evidence suggests that some social technologies might cause more harm than good to some young people’s mental health.1,2
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Self-harm in a time of isolation: What is the evidence to support mobile and internet-based psychological interventions for self-harm?
In this blog we summarise the findings and implications of a recent systematic review of studies evaluating the effectiveness and acceptability of mobile- and internet-based psychological interventions for self-harm in adolescents and adults.
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July 2020 – The Bridge
In this issue, we summarise recent studies on a wide range of topics – including sleep, sensory symptoms, emotional symptoms, disinhibition, alcohol misuse, complex PTSD symptoms, and self-harm – which reveal new insights helping us to better understand and address psychopathology in young people.
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Who can best support young people who self-harm?
A new study published in Child and Adolescent Mental Health has investigated what forms of support young people who self-harm find helpful.
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International Day of Families
Research on the importance of attachment and positive relationships, families ability to be a mental health intervention and some timely tips for practitioners to help parents manage challenging behaviour with homeschooling and lockdown.
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Most cited CAMH paper joint #11 of 25: A Preliminary Community Study of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) with Adolescent Females Demonstrating Persistent, Deliberate Self‐Harm (DSH)
Anthony C. James, Annie Taylor, Louise Winmill, Kielly Alfoadari.
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Key Practitioner Message includes; DBT appears to be a promising treatment for adolescents with severe and persistent deliberate self‐harm. -
Most cited CAMH paper #23 of 25: Adolescents Who Self Harm: A Comparison of Those Who Go to Hospital and Those Who Do Not
Keith Hawton, Karen Rodham, Emma Evans, Louise Harriss.
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Most cited CAMH paper #23 of 25: Adolescents Who Self Harm: A Comparison of Those Who Go to Hospital and Those Who Do Not -
Depression, Self-harm and Suicide Editorial
This edition of The Bridge focusses on depression, self-harm and suicidal thoughts. These are important clinical topics.
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Self-harm in children and adolescents: attention seeking or cause for concern?
Is the reporting of self-harm improving due to better awareness, or are young people really self-harming at increasing rates? How concerned should we be about the increase? In this blog, I draw on recent work by my colleagues in the Multicentre Study of Self-Harm in England.
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2019 Judy Dunn National Conference ‘Suicide and self-harm in young people’ – Prof. Christian Schmahl
The 2019 Judy Dunn Conference focused on ‘Suicide and self-harm in young people’. Prof. Christian Schmahl on the ‘Neurobiology of self-harm in BPD’. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture. Simply email with the day and time you watch it, so we can check the analytics, and we’ll email you your certificate.
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