Micro-sequences of anger and shame and non-suicidal self-injury in youth: an ecological momentary assessment study
Paper from the JCPP – ‘In this study, we focused on in vivo anger at self and others and shame and NSSI among 158 adolescents 3 weeks following their psychiatric hospitalizations using ecological momentary assessment (EMA) technology’. Anastacia Y. Kudinova (pic) et al.
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Self- and co-regulation of physiological activity during mother-daughter interactions: The role of adolescent NSSI (Non-Suicidal Self-Injury)
Paper from the JCPP – ‘The current study examined self- and co-regulation of physiological responses during mother-daughter interactions in adolescent girls with and without a history of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI)’. Kiera M. James (pic) et al.
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Following the children of depressed parents from childhood to adult life: A focus on mood and anxiety disorders
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘While it is known that depression in a parent increases risk for offspring depression and anxiety, there are relatively few prospective longitudinal studies following the offspring of depressed parents across the transition from adolescence into adulthood – a key period of risk.’ Victoria Powell (pic) et al.
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Professor Kapil Sayal
Kapil Sayal is Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Honorary Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the University of Nottingham. He is an Associate Editor of CAMH, responsible for the Technology Matters section.
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Research Review: Autonomic dysregulation and self-injurious thoughts and behaviours in children and young people: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘Self-injurious thoughts and behaviours (SITBs) have been associated with dysfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) in children and young people, suggesting that objective ANS measures may aid assessment of suicide risk, but a systematic synthesis of this literature is currently lacking.’ Alessio Bellato (pic) et al.
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Research Review: Viewing self-harm images on the internet and social media platforms: systematic review of the impact and associated psychological mechanisms
Open Access paper from the JCPP – ‘We reviewed studies of potential impacts and mechanisms associated with viewing self-harm-related images on the internet and social media.’ Karima Susi et al.
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Mortality risk following self-harm in young people: a population cohort study using the Northern Ireland Registry of Self-Harm
Open Access paper from the JCPP – ‘The aims of this study were to describe the characteristics of young people who present with self-harm; quantify the risk of suicide and other causes of death during follow up, and to identify factors associated with mortality risk’. Emma Ross (pic) et al.
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Review: Interventions to prevent or manage self-harm among students in educational settings – a systematic review
Open Access paper from the CAMH journal – We conducted a systematic review of five databases (Medline, PsycINFO, ASSIA, ERIC and BEI) for quantitative studies evaluating interventions to reduce self-harm among students in schools, colleges and universities. Rasanat Fatima Nawaz (pic) et al.
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Emotional dysregulation in childhood and disordered eating and self-harm in adolescence: prospective associations and mediating pathways
Open Access paper from the JCPP – We examined prospective relationships between childhood emotional dysregulation and disordered eating and self-harm in adolescence; and social cognition, emotional recognition, and being bullied as mediators. Naomi Warne (pic) et al.
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Schools engaged in doom-monitoring students’ online interactions and content creation: an analysis of dominant media discourses
Paper from the CAMH journal 2023 Special Issue – “Growing public concern about the safety and security of schools has led many schools and school districts within the United States to hire private companies to monitor students’ online interactions and the content they create, including on social media”. Kristjan Kikerpill and Andra Siibak
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