Mood disorders
Changes in UK Parental Mental Health Symptoms Over the COVID-19 Pandemic
In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Simona Skripkauskaite discusses her JCPP Advances paper ‘Changes in UK parental mental health symptoms over 10 months of the COVID-19 pandemic’.
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Micro-sequences of anger and shame and non-suicidal self-injury in youth: an ecological momentary assessment study
Paper from the JCPP – ‘In this study, we focused on in vivo anger at self and others and shame and NSSI among 158 adolescents 3 weeks following their psychiatric hospitalizations using ecological momentary assessment (EMA) technology’. Anastacia Y. Kudinova (pic) et al.
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Stratifying early-onset emotional disorders: using genetics to assess persistence in young people of European and South Asian ancestry
Open Access paper from the JCPP – ‘We examined whether psychiatric polygenic scores (PGS) could help inform stratification efforts to predict those at higher risk of recurrence’. Charlotte A. Dennison et al.
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Technology Matters: Online, self-help single session interventions could expand current provision, improving early access to help for young people with depression symptoms, including minority groups
Open Access paper from the CAMH journal – ‘Current mental health service provision for young people was primarily designed based on an assumption of repeat attendance to enable access to interventions. This applies to in-person therapy and, in recent years, digitally provided apps and programmes. Yet, discontinuation after only one or two attendances or uses is a common problem. However, there is a different model, which is intentionally designing provision without assuming repeat attendance, that is, single session interventions.’ Maria E. Loades (pic) and Jessica L. Schleider
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Following the children of depressed parents from childhood to adult life: A focus on mood and anxiety disorders
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘While it is known that depression in a parent increases risk for offspring depression and anxiety, there are relatively few prospective longitudinal studies following the offspring of depressed parents across the transition from adolescence into adulthood – a key period of risk.’ Victoria Powell (pic) et al.
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Professor Lina Gega
Lina Gega is Professor of Mental Health at the University of York and Honorary Nurse Consultant at Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Trust, with a PhD in Health Services Research from the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London. She is a Joint Editor of CAMH.
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Research Review: The internalizing paradox – youth anxiety and depression symptoms, psychotherapy outcomes, and implications for research and practice
Paper from the JCPP – ‘Drawing on recent research, we examine candidate explanations for this paradox to help identify strategies for addressing it by improving outcomes for youth depression.’ John R. Weisz (pic) et al.
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Development, reach, acceptability and associated clinical changes of a group intervention to improve caregiver-adolescent relationships in the context of adolescent depression
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘Following a literature search to identify established caregiver interventions, we developed a new group intervention for caregivers through an iterative process including six rounds of the group with caregivers of adolescents age 13–18 in the context of an integrated care pathway for adolescent depression.’ Madison Aitken (pic) et al.
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Network analysis of ecological momentary assessment identifies frustration as a central node in irritability
Paper from the JCPP – ‘Using a novel network analytic approach with smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA), we examined how irritability and other anxiety and mood symptoms were connected.’ Wan-Ling Tseng (pic) et al.
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Family environment and polygenic risk in the bipolar high-risk context
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘We tested the association of offspring-perceived family environment in interaction with bipolar disorder-polygenic risk on liability for bipolar disorder in offspring at high or low familial risk for bipolar disorder. We used a novel stepwise approach for latent class modeling with predictors and distal outcomes.’ Emma K. Stapp (pic) et al.
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