Intellectual disabilities (ID)
Protected: Child and Adolescent Intellectual Disability Psychiatry Network; Annual Meeting
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Protected: Beyond Words – Your exclusive invite
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Protected: Beyond Words – An exploration of the mental health of children and young people with severe and profound learning disabilities
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- Location
- Edinburgh
Early Intervention in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities – This is how we do it in Dorset
The theme of this event is service innovation and delivery. We will showcase two excellent initiatives/areas of good practice within Dorset Healthcare involving our trailblazers Mental Health Support Team (MHST) and specialist Pan Dorset Intellectual Disability CAMHS.
- Event type
- Half day conference
- Location
Protected: Child and Adolescent Intellectual Disability Psychiatry Network; Annual Meeting
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FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder): Understanding the Diagnosis
In this ‘In Conversation’ podcast, Sandra Butcher and Rachel Jackson provide insight into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
In the United Kingdom, September is celebrated as FASD Awareness Month, with 9 September internationally recognised as International FASD Day.
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Debate: Neurodiversity, autism and healthcare
Open Access paper from the CAMH journal – ‘I discuss current different uses of the term autism, the relation to intellectual disability, and introduce a conceptualisation of autism as emergent and transactional, which is consistent with current developmental and intervention science. This could bridge between neurodiversity and clinical perspectives and implies a framing of early intervention support that has strong clinical trials evidence and provides the basis for a rational and pre-emptive evidenced care pathway, which I describe.’ Jonathan Green (pic).
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Mental health impact of autism on families of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities of genetic origin
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – “In a cohort with IDD of genetic aetiology, we tested the hypothesis that excess risk attached to those with ASD + IDD, in terms of both children’s mental health and parental psychological distress.” Jeanne Wolstencroft (pic) and Ramya Srinivasan et al.
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‘NDC Learning Series’ – Communication and functional skills – recording (members)
This was the final of the ‘NDC Learning Series’ aimed at health professionals who come into contact with children and young people who have Neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs). We welcomed Dr. Lucy Sanctuary, and Occupational Therapist Dr. Sally Payne, to discuss ‘Communication and functional skills’. The Chair of this session was Dr. Mark Lovell. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.
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‘NDC Learning Series’ – Medications and Physical Health recording
We welcomed Dr. Mark Lovell and Dr. Max Davie. with a session that will focus on ‘Medications and Physical Health’. The Chair of this session was Dr. Ann Ozsivadjian. This was the fifth, of the ‘NDC Learning Series’ aimed at health professionals who come into contact with children and young people who have Neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs).
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