Eating disorders
Developments in Eating Disorders Research
As everyone’s thoughts are dominated by the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing, it seems pertinent to start by thinking how people with or at risk of eating disorders may have been affected. Research suggests that the impacts differ according to the type of eating disorder concerns and behaviours.
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Treatment-seeking for eating disorders among adolescents: Implications for mental health literacy campaigns
Eating disorders commonly occur during adolescence, however, only a minority (10-25%) of affected adolescents receive appropriate treatment.
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Anorexia nervosa and autism: a prospective twin cohort study
Video abstract from Lisa Dinkler on ‘Anorexia nervosa and autism: a prospective twin cohort study’. First published: 04 June 2020
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Eating Disorders Editorial
Welcome to this edition of The Bridge which focuses on eating disorders.
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In Conversation… Eating Disorders with Dr. Dasha Nicholls
In this podcast, Dr. Dasha Nicholls talks about eating and feeding disorders in children and young people.
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Most Cited JCPP Articles #16 of 60
Most cited JCPP papers #16 of 60: Development of the children’s eating behaviour questionnaire
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Supporting Prepubertal Children with anorexia nervosa – a clinician’s experience
Five patients under the age of twelve have presented with Anorexia Nervosa in the last six months to our community CAMHS Eating Disorders Team, in the North of England, representing 16% of our average annual caseload.
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Eating disorders – Foreword from the Editor
Welcome to this edition of The Bridge which focuses on eating disorders.
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In Conversation… Fussy Eating
Many parents naturally worry whether their child is getting enough food if they refuse to eat sometimes. It would appear to be normal for young children to refuse to eat or even taste new foods but what is the science and evidence behind this? Are there interventions that parents can take?
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How does my lived experience inform my nursing practice?
“Being a CAMHS nurse allows me to be creative and to try to incorporate the most memorable care I received into my practice.”
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