Anorexia nervosa (AN)
Eating Disorders: A Concern for All
Did you know that approximately 22% of children and adolescents worldwide show disordered eating? Eating Disorders Awareness Week (24 February – 2 March 2025) is an opportunity to improve awareness that anyone can have an eating disorder and explore the impact that eating disorders can have on children and young people.
This Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we encourage you to explore the FREE learning opportunities available on our website and ACAMH Learn, and to share with your networks.
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Spotlight on Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders Awareness Week (26 February – 3 March 2024) is an opportunity to bring a spotlight on eating disorders and to improve awareness of the impact that eating disorder can have on children and young people.
This Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we encourage you to explore the FREE learning opportunities available on our website, and to share with your networks.
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Narrative Matters: Wasting away and fed up – dietary battles in history
Paper from the CAMH journal – ‘Histories of anorexia nervosa (AN), mostly written since the 1970s, have a standard narrative. The story is of largely Eurocentric self-starvation in adolescent girls in response to sociocultural pressures on women who are trapped in disempowering patriarchal systems.’ Jane Whittaker
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Performing well but not appreciating it – A trait feature of anorexia nervosa
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘We offer a novel behavioral method for measuring perfectionism independent of self-report, and we provide tentative evidence that this behavioral manifestation of perfectionism is evident during first-episode AN and persists even after recovery.’ Tine Schuppli Hjerresen et al.
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Incidence and outcomes of eating disorders during the pandemic: what has changed?
During the pandemic, the NHS CAMH eating disorder services saw almost a doubling in the number of referrals for eating disorders and waiting list times are now surpassing what is recommended. This surge in eating disorder presentations in clinical settings led researchers to wonder what impact, if any, Covid-19 had on the incidence of eating disorders in young people.
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November 2020 – The Bridge
The research featured in this issue covers a wide range of topics relevant to our work with young people, including neurodevelopmental, emotional, and behavioural disorders, their comorbidity, and their links with functioning and quality of life.
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Results of the ACAMH Awards 2020
Congratulations to all winners and nominees of the ACAMH Awards 2020.
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Are autistic behaviours a trait or a state of anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia nervosa (AN) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) seem to co-occur more frequently than would be expected by chance.1,2 Yet because most studies investigating the nature of this co-occurrence have used a retrospective design, where the data are prone to recall bias, we don’t know whether the elevation of autistic traits in AN is present from childhood or rather from AN onset.
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Developments in Eating Disorders Research
As everyone’s thoughts are dominated by the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing, it seems pertinent to start by thinking how people with or at risk of eating disorders may have been affected. Research suggests that the impacts differ according to the type of eating disorder concerns and behaviours.
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Anorexia nervosa and autism: a prospective twin cohort study
Video abstract from Lisa Dinkler on ‘Anorexia nervosa and autism: a prospective twin cohort study’. First published: 04 June 2020
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