Conduct disorders (CD)

  • Functional Family Therapy does not reduce ASB or offending in youths

    A randomized controlled trial has found that Functional Family Therapy (FFT) plus Management As Usual (MAU) does not significantly reduce youth antisocial behaviour (ASB) or offending compared to MAU alone.

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  • Psychosocial interventions for disruptive behaviour problems are feasible in low and middle-income countries

    Erly 2018, JCPP published data from a systematic review and meta-analysis of psychosocial interventions for disruptive behaviour problems in children in low and middle-income countries. The study, by Professor Matthew Burkey and colleagues, found that child-focused and behavioural parenting interventions may be effective for affected children in these socioeconomic groups.

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  • Children at risk of developing antisocial behaviours show deficits in affective empathy

    Researchers in the Netherlands and UK have monitored cardiovascular and electrodermal activity and eye tracking to assess affective and cognitive empathy in children at high risk of engaging in criminal behaviours.

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  • Police contact during adolescence can delay female psychosocial maturation

    Over the past 30 years, the rate of female juvenile arrests in the USA has almost doubled. Despite this rapid increase, most research into juvenile delinquency has primarily focused on males.

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  • Low empathy in adolescent boys predicts violent behaviour in adulthood

    Low empathy and low resting heart rate are established, independent risk factors of antisocial behaviour. Now, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh have studied whether an interaction between these two factors during adolescence might mediate violent behaviour in early adulthood.

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  • How do we react when a child kills?

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  • Stephen Scott

    Child to Parent Violence

    Professor Stephen Scott responds to the ITV news’ story about child to parent violence. It was based on a report published on 11 July called Let’s Talk About: Child to Parent Violence and Aggression by the authors Dr Wendy Thorley and Al Coates MBE.

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  • mum with toddler on knee


    Parenting: an introduction to the importance of parenting for children and young people’s mental health and the effectiveness of parenting interventions. From this topic guide, you can find the latest blogs, events, publications, videos and podcasts.

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  • A harsh parenting team?

    Guest blog from Dr Rachel Latham, Postdoctoral Research Associate, King’s College London on whether high quality coparenting can buffer children’s behaviour from the negative impact of harsh parenting.

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  • two young teen school girls with books and rucksacks

    School-based interventions

    Children and young people spend a great deal of time at school, so it has an important role to play in their development. Time spent in school impacts not just on academic and cognitive progress, but also on social interactions, peer relationships, emotional regulation and behaviour. All these areas affect, and are affected by, mental health (Fazel et al, 2014).

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