Conduct disorders (CD)
Parenting practices that support the sensation-seeking child
Sensation-seeking is a personality trait of people who go after varied, novel, complex and intense situations and experiences. Sensation-seekers are even willing to take risks in the pursuit of such experiences. Until now, research has primarily focused on how sensation seeking relates to the development of undesirable behaviours, including drug and alcohol abuse, high risk sexual behaviours (like unprotected sex or having multiple partners), gambling and delinquency.
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Psychological interventions have a small but significant effect in young children with conduct disorder
In 2017, Mireille Bakker and colleagues performed a systematic review and meta-analysis for the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, of the currently available psychological treatments for children and adolescents with conduct disorder problems. Here, we summarise the researcher’s key findings and the potential clinical implications for this field.
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