Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD)
How does diagnosis and formulation fit together – when do you choose which? Dr Lauren Breese
Recorded lecture from Dr Lauren Breese our event ‘Assessment and diagnosis in children with neurodevelopmental problems’ on 7 October 2019. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.
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Resilience Edition
In this edition we bring together a number of papers that broadly discuss the theme of resilience and developing resilience through therapy.
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In Conversation… ADHD with Dr Sinead Rhodes
In this podcast, Dr Sinead Rhodes discusses ADHD and neurodevelopmental disorders with freelance journalist Jo Carlowe. Sinead discusses her latest research, cognitive factors underlying mental health and tailored interventions.
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Self-Perceptual Bias and Internalizing Symptoms: Implications for ADHD
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood neurodevelopmental disorder, affecting 5 – 7% of school-aged children.1 Given that many children with ADHD experience difficulty paying attention and managing impulsive behaviors, it is not surprising that children with ADHD often struggle with basic tasks, such as schoolwork, daily routines, and social interactions.
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Psychological resilience in young people
Having spent a lot of time on a camp bed in a paediatric ward with young people and their families, some of whom were inpatients for weeks on end and facing huge physical challenges, it has made me wonder a great deal about the elements of psychological resilience in young people.
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The experiences of healthcare transitions between child and adult services for young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a review of evidence
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterised by hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. It affects around 5% of children, and can be a long term condition, with research showing that up to two thirds of young people with ADHD will continue to experience symptoms into adulthood. However, many young people with ongoing healthcare needs do not make the necessary transition from child to adult mental health services.
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Reporting of depression symptoms in children with ADHD: do parents know best?
ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by hyperactive-impulsiveness and inattention. ADHD often co-occurs with emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety. Depression in particular is prominent amongst adolescents with ADHD, and can be difficult to identify as it can have similar features both to ADHD itself and to some of the side effects of ADHD medication.
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Neurodevelopmental Disorders, an interview with Dr Max Davie
Dr. Max Davie talks about Neurodevelopmental Disorders, and how you can get involved in ACAMH’s Neurodevelopmental Special Interest Group.
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Southern Research Day – April 2019, Member content
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‘ADHD and suicidal spectrum behaviors’ Professor Samuele Cortese
In this lecture, Professor Samuele Cortese discusses the recent paper published in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Volume 103, August 2019. ‘Association between suicidal spectrum behaviors and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis’ Mathilde Septier, Coline Stordeur, Junhua Zhang, Richard Delorme, Samuele Cortese (2019). ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture. Simply email with the day and time you watch it, so we can check the analytics, and we’ll email you your certificate.
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