Dr. Patricia M. Crittenden – ‘Psychological Trauma & Resilience: A Strengths Perspective’
Dr. Patricia M. Crittenden gives her lecture on ‘Psychological Trauma & Resilience: A Strengths Perspective’. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture. Simply email with the day and time you watch it, so we can check the analytics, and we’ll email you your certificate.
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In Conversation… Dr. Karen Treisman
Karen discusses areas of trauma and trauma enforcing models, parenting, adversity (ACE’s) and attachment, and using a range of creative therapeutic approaches with families. Includes transcription, and links.
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In Conversation… Complex PTSD with Dr David Turgoose and Dr Simon Wilkinson
David and Simon discuss an emerging area of interest, complex PTSD expanding on the causes and how it differentiates from standard PTSD. Includes transcription, and links.
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March 2020 – The Bridge
This edition of The Bridge features research digests on ‘FRIENDS’ and anxiety, CAMHS and technology training, OCD and anxiety, parenting, autism and more.
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Most cited CAMH paper #15 of 25: Linking lack of care in childhood to anxiety disorders in emerging adulthood: the role of attachment styles
Adriano Schimmenti, Antonia Bifulco.
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Key Practitioner Message includes; Using life span models of experience and development can help identify specific risk pathways from childhood to later disorder to aid prevention strategies -
February 2020 issue – The Bridge attachment edition
This edition of The Bridge features paternal attachment, early caregiving, disinhibited social engagement behaviour, adolescent security and a parent’s perspective on attachment and adoption.
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Early caregiving experiences shape adolescent attachment profiles
Secure attachment in adolescents seems to be associated with robust mental health and social skills. How the quality of early caregiving impacts on attachment security in adolescence, however, is less clear.
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Insecure paternal attachment contributes to childhood anxiety
A recent study has investigated the direct and indirect relationships between parent–child attachment and negative parental behaviours exhibited by mothers and fathers, individually, in a sample of children with clinical anxiety.
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Insecure paternal attachment confers a high cost on society
Youth that exhibit antisocial behaviours can impose a high cost on society due to the need for health, social and economic support in adulthood. Now, researchers have studied whether insecure attachment underlying antisocial behaviour contributes to or even adds to these costs.
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A Cross-cultural Examination of Attachment Relationships and Mental Health in Adolescents
Research into the protective factors for adolescent mental health such as attachment will help us understand the challenges adolescents face.
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