
  • Dennis Ougrin

    In Conversation… Self-Harm

    A specialist in self-harm and suicide, Dr Dennis Ougrin emphasises the importance of early intervention and prevention, as well as the potential of Therapeutic Assesssment, a novel model of assessment for young people with self-harm ahead of his upcoming Self Harm Masterclass.

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  • The importance of identifying an Intellectual Disability/Learning Disability for the individual, parents/carers and from a service/policy perspective

    The importance of identifying an Intellectual Disability/Learning Disability for the individual, parents/carers and from a service/policy perspective.

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  • Suicide & Self-harm – Judy Dunn National Conference 8 Nov 2019

    Slides will be available for download when they are made available to us. Please click on the talk title to download as a pdf. Last updated Friday 8 November Dr. Trudie Roussow – ‘Evidence based treatment of young people who self-harm and management of risk’  Prof. Dr. Paul Plener ‘Epidemiology of self-harm’  Clare Stafford, CEO […]

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  • Couple holding baby


    The disposition of an infant or young child to identify and interact with the person or small set of persons considered most likely to provide them with care and protection is known as attachment.

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  • crying boy


    Not long ago, bullying was viewed as a normal part of childhood’s formative experiences. Over the past 50 years, since the pioneering work of Dan Olweus (1970), bullying started to be recognized as a complex public health matter and a social problem. Solid evidence has accumulated about the impact of bullying victimization on children’s and adolescents’ (hereby youth) mental health and well-being.

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  • happy young girl painted hands up to face

    Intellectual Disabilities

    Many terms have been used to describe an intellectual disability (ID) or medical conditions linked to an ID. Some terms that were originally designed to describe levels of intellectual disability or specific medical conditions, have unfortunately become part of common derogatory language used within society and so have become insults.

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  • worried teen girl

    Self-harm & Suicide

    Self-harm is an increasingly recognised phenomenon and one of the strongest predictors of suicide, which continues to be one of the leading causes of death in young people worldwide. Self-harm can take many forms and may present with or without suicidal intent and both in the context of mental disorder, and without.

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  • Teen girl trying to speak

    Tourette Syndrome

    Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological condition that is estimated to effect over 300,000 children and adults in the UK; and one school child in every hundred.

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  • Unpicking assessment for Adult ADHD

    Variability in assessment methods could be behind the vast range of rates given for the persistence of ADHD into adulthood – from 5% up to 75%.

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  • joe elliott slide

    The Dyslexia Debate

    This recording is from Professor Joe Elliot titled ‘The Dyslexia Debate’. It is from the conference, ‘Dyslexia from assessment to intervention’ was held on Friday 29 September 2017, and was organised by the Welsh ACAMH Branch. The day promoted the notion that the assessment of literacy difficulties should be the first step on a clear pathway to individualised interventions for children or young people.

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