This section of the site contains selected open access papers from our journals:
Use the links above to access the index of JCPP and CAMH.
This section of the site contains selected open access papers from our journals:
Use the links above to access the index of JCPP and CAMH.
Editor in Chief, Bernadka qualified in medicine and psychology at the University of London, completing child psychiatry training and her thesis in adolescent depression at the University of Manchester. She is the chief investigator of the National Institute of Health Research multi-site BAY trial of web-based Behavioural Activation in young people with depression (2022-26).
Read moreIn this Papers Podcast, Dr. Yasmin Ahmadzadeh discusses her co-authored CAMH journal paper ‘Intergenerational consequences of racism in the United Kingdom: a qualitative investigation into parents’ exposure to racism and offspring mental health and well-being’. Yasmin was the principal investigator on the TRADE project, which stands for ‘Transmission of experiences of Racism, Anxiety and Depression in families’.
Read moreOpen Access paper from the JCPP – ‘The objective of the present study was to investigate how trauma characteristics, comorbid psychopathology and cognitive and social factors experienced by children and adolescents with a posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis following exposure to multiple traumatic events differs between those who meet the criteria for CPTSD and those who do not.’ Katie Lofthouse et al.
Read moreChildren in care are much more likely to experience mental health problems than young people in the general population. Early life experiences, such as abuse, neglect, parental drug-use or violence likely play a major part in this. So too could the instability that is often inherent in the care system.
Read moreOpen Access paper from the JCPP – ‘Psychological and psychosocial interventions aimed at addressing depression, anxiety, and PTSD among children and adolescents in LMICs have demonstrated promising results.’ Cansu Alozkan-Sever (pic) et al.
Read moreCAMH September 2023 Editorial is now available to read.
Read moreFree Access paper from the CAMH journal – “The adoption of a pyramid of resources from universally available psychoeducational materials to specialised forms of trauma-informed interventions allows for screening and provision of appropriate levels of assistance”. Rachel Calam (pic) et al.
Read morePaper from the JCPP – “Experiences of early life adversity pose significant psychological and physical health risks to exposed individuals”. Jessica P. Uy et al.
Read moreOpen Access paper from JCPP Advances – “The available evidence indicates that clinicians internationally need further education and training to enhance their knowledge and confidence in providing trauma-informed psychosocial care”. Nimrah Afzal et al.
Read moreWe evaluate the intergenerational effects of prenatal stress experienced during apartheid on psychiatric morbidity among children at ages 17–18 and also assess the moderating effects of maternal age, social support, and past household adversity. Andrew Wooyoung Kim (pic) et al. Includes podcast link
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