In Conversation… How using personalised goals in therapy will change your life
Dr Duncan Law discusses the importance of everyday participation and improving the therapeutic alliance by collaboratively creating goals ahead of his talk at the Inaugural Judy Dunn National Conference on Making Child and Family Therapies More Effective.
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The World is constantly changing for young people
This year the focus for World Mental Health Day is ‘Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World’. We often forget that young people are at a stage of their lives when significant change is a common occurrence to them.
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No more to this ‘pitiful’ investment – A World Mental Health call from our chair
World Mental Health Day reminds us of the very large number of people who live with distress and anguish for long periods of their lives.
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Raising Awareness for Body Dysmorphic Disorder
BDD is not something that clinicians always think of, so what are the symptoms that we should be looking out for and what evidence-based treatments can help relieve the symptoms that people experience?
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‘Service offer and access to local services’ Jenni Willbourn and Dr Kate Friedman
Jenni Willbourn and Dr. Kate Friedman talk sharing follow-up of the excellent work ongoing in Greater Manchester following the traumatic Manchester Arena event. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.
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‘Supporting young people after Manchester arena incident’ Maryam Arbabi
Maryam Arbabi, from 42nd Street Project, talk sharing follow-up of the excellent work ongoing in Greater Manchester following the traumatic Manchester Arena event. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.
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‘Tiers of psychosocial support provided by One Education, Educational Psychology Critical Incident Response Team’
Dr. Rebecca Sundhu talk sharing follow-up of the excellent work ongoing in Greater Manchester following the traumatic Manchester Arena event. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.
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Getting help with parenting makes a difference – at any age
Parenting interventions for helping children with behavioural problems are just as effective in school age, as in younger children, according to new Oxford University research.
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In Conversation… Reducing mental health problems in schools
Dr Sophie Browning is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist working on whole school approaches to mental health. In this podcast with psychology journalist Jo Carlowe, she discusses an innovative cognitive behavioural therapy approach for reducing anxiety and mental health problems in schools. You can listen to this podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes.
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In Conversation… Harmful Sexual Behaviour
What might predispose a young person to harming sexually? What are the warning signs? And what does it mean to go beyond criminal justice to a public health approach?
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