
  • A postcard from Malta

    A postcard from Malta

    “It’s all to do with education and standards, and trying to bridge that gap”

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  • The hardest thing to do is say goodbye

    “It was an accident,” says Dr Mark Lovell. But what is he referring to?

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  • Guest Blog

    Concerned over Green Paper leaks

    Dr Duncan Law on why he’s left so concerned by the recent leaks from the Children and Young People’s Mental Health (CYPMH) green paper.

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  • Dr Zeshan Qureshi, Paediatrician

    Joining up services, is the way forward

    Being a paediatrician is an absolute privilege and a core part of my identity.
    Disclaimer: This is an independent blog and ACAMH may not necessarily hold the same views.

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  • Co Owners of CAMHS Change report

    Transforming CAMHS from the ground up

    A report, issued this week, ‘Co-owners of Change: CAMHS Transformation Clinical Champions’, provides insights to an important consultation with clinicians, highlighting the desire for clinical engagement.

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  • Dr Max Davie, Paediatrician, holding a sign about ACAMH

    Q&A with Dr Max Davie, Consultant Paediatrician

    Interview with Dr Max Davie, Consultant Paediatrician, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust & ACAMH Board Member.

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  • Welsh branch puts on dyslexia day with academic heavyweights

    Conference review Dyslexia: From assessment to intervention This September saw ACAMH’s Wales branch host a one day conference on dyslexia in Cardiff. Over sixty delegates made the trip to the city’s All Nations’ Centre to listen to talks from leading researchers and practitioners. The day was opened with a warm welcome from Dr Owen Barry, […]

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  • Practicing what we preach

    Today is World Mental Health Day, with this year’s theme being mental health in the workplace. I believe the most valuable asset any organisation has are its staff, and their wellbeing should be paramount to every CEO.

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  • Mental health in schools

    “Sometimes you feel like a volcano erupting,” one eight-year-old boy told us, “but if you come to Place2Be, you can cool down.”

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  • joe elliott slide

    The pariah of dyslexia

    Sometimes, academia calls for a thick skin, particularly if you’re notorious for denouncing an entire area of research.

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