Vanessa Garrity worked for the NHS as a Mental Health Nurse and Matron for over 15 years. She is now the Managing Director of Sociable Angels Ltd and can be found on twitter @VanessaLGarrity Disclaimer: This is an independent blog and ACAMH may not necessarily hold the same views.
Vanessa Garrity

Vanessa Garrity worked for the NHS as a Mental Health Nurse and Matron for over 15 years. She is now the Managing Director of Sociable Angels Ltd and can be found on twitter @VanessaLGarrity Disclaimer: This is an independent blog and ACAMH may not necessarily hold the same views.
Tweens, Teens and Technology: The risks and the benefits
Vanessa Garrity talks about the pros and cons of digital technology and social media in young people’s mental health.
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