Grace Franckel is a former teacher and currently the Clinic Manager at the Centre for Attention, Learning and Memory (CALM), working closely with CALM families and coordinating a large team of researchers who help with data collection in the clinic. She is interested in why some children struggle to learn, and how best to identify and respond to their needs.
Grace Franckel

Grace Franckel is a former teacher and currently the Clinic Manager at the Centre for Attention, Learning and Memory (CALM), working closely with CALM families and coordinating a large team of researchers who help with data collection in the clinic. She is interested in why some children struggle to learn, and how best to identify and respond to their needs.
The Centre for Attention Learning and Memory (CALM) Approach to Neurodevelopmental Research – MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit University Of Cambridge
Our thinking around neurodevelopmental disorders is undergoing a period of rapid change. The traditional approach, endorsed by classification systems such as the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, defines neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as distinct categories.
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