
All events are centred around evidence-based research, and our speakers are some of the leading lights in the field. ACAMH is a charity, and we receive no government funding, nor do we ask for donations. We try to keep our costs as low as possible, and provide many events completely free. Don’t forget as a charity any surplus made is reinvested back as we work to our vision of ‘Sharing best evidence, improving practice’, and our mission to ‘Improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people aged 0-25’. 

For paid webinars delegates will have exclusive access to recordings for 90 days after the event, together with slides. Plus you will get a personalised CPD certificate via email.

ACAMH Members receive a discount to events, please considering joining and become part of the advancement of child and adolescent mental health.

All bookings all processed online, for those events where there is a charge you can pay by debit/credit card. If you are having difficulty signing up to an event do please email or call +44 (0)20 7403 7458.

  • pyschologist talking to teen girl

    Meaningful Service User and Carer Participation: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    This webinar will demonstrate how meaningful participation can be done well. This will involve perspectives from young people, parent/carers and those involved in facilitating participation.

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  • school children on tablet

    Trauma Aware Education

    Dr. Judith Howard, Associate Professor of Education at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), and Dr. Lyra L’Estrange, Senior Lecturer in Education at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), will lead this session on Trauma Aware Education on ‘An education system solution to the complex systemic problem of child abuse and neglect: One Australian university’s approach’.

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  • psychologist getting input from teenage focus group

    Safeguarding in CAMHS

    This session will outline the roles that named nurses and doctors undertake, how they support the CAMHS clinicians, will explore the range of issues that they become involved in on a daily basis and how they deliver robust and bespoke level 3 training to staff who work with risk.

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  • aces story stem

    Story Stems – a window into a child’s internal world

    This webinar will cover the Story Stem Assessment Profile (SSAP) and its use as an assessment of a child’s attachment and internal representations. The SSAP consists of 13 narrative stems, to which the child provides their own story completions; information is thus gained directly from the child in a non-threatening context.

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  • Early careerers talking happily

    Encouraging the next generation of CAMHS researchers: an event dedicated to ECRs

    The webinar is tailored specifically for those in the early stages of their career. This session is perfect for medical students, psychology and nursing students seeking their first research experience, and undergraduates transitioning to Masters or PhD programs.

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  • two teenager brothers

    Sibling Sexual Abuse

    This workshop will outline current knowledge and evidence in the sibling sexual abuse field and look at how that knowledge can be used to inform how we positively support a family’s journey, from identification of harm, safety planning and assessment, through to therapeutic intervention, case closure and aftercare support

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    Words Matter: Understanding, Impact, and Prevention of Childhood Verbal Abuse

    Set of three webinars on Childhood Verbal Abuse (CVA). This is characterised by adults shouting, yelling, denigrating, and verbally threatening the child. These types of adult actions can be as damaging to a child’s development as other currently recognized and forensically established subtypes of maltreatment such as childhood physical and sexual abuse.

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  • sad little girl

    Assessing and understanding trauma: bridging the gap between research and practice

    The session will provide a bridge between research and clinical contexts of measuring trauma and adverse life experiences in looked-after children populations. Dr Saul Hillman, Richard Cross, and Katharine Anderson present

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    The Risks and Benefits of Social Media on the Mental Health of Adolescents

    This talk will explore the burgeoning use of social media by adolescents in today’s society.

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  • Why I didn’t send my child back to school after the pandemic: The Rise in Home Education

    ‘Why I didn’t send my child back to school after the pandemic: The Rise in Home Education’ will be led by Tami Alikhani. This is webinar is organised by ACAMH’s Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Special Interest Group.

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